How bind to function that doesn't have any parameters?

I am working on introducing cypress testing to my app with rescript bindings. You might be able to help just looking at the TLDR at the end :slight_smile:

This is my current progress:

%%raw("import '@testing-library/cypress/add-commands'")

open TestRunner

@val external context : string => (unit => unit) => unit = "context"
@val external beforeEach : (unit => unit) => unit = "beforeEach"
@val external it : string => (unit => unit) => unit = "it"

context("Basic navigation demo", () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

  it("should go to markets", () => {

Which produces the following output:

import '@testing-library/cypress/add-commands'

context("Basic navigation demo", (function (param) {
        beforeEach(function (param) {
        it("should go to markets", (function (param) {

This code unfortunately creates an error, it thinks that param is meant to be done (I tried making the library use done but that caused other issues I won’t go into now). (see image)

Now if I manually update the javascript output and remove the param, all the tests work fine.

Manual edits:

import '@testing-library/cypress/add-commands'

context("Basic navigation demo", (function (param) {
        beforeEach(function () {
        it("should go to markets", (function () {

How do I make these bindings make output like this (below image)? Code on left doesn’t work, code on right works - how do I make my bindings output code like on the right?

@uncurry comes to rescue:

@val external it: (string, @uncurry (unit => unit)) => unit = "it"

give it a try: playground