I can explain a little and hopefully not do too much damage. JSON over the network is just a string, and then when that string is parsed into an object (of your preferred language), its an extra pain when that language is typed.
When you parse a json into a object in JS using JSON.parse, since its dynamically typed, it happily makes an object without an typed structure (just a bag of nulls, strings, numbers). You deal with the typing later when your app blows up.
But with something like like rescript, typescript, go, etc, it wants a type right away dammit. So your option is to create a type, and bind it the data from over the network.
looks like parseExn isn’t very impressive, its just JSON,parse
let j = `{"a":1,"b":"2"}`
let p = Js.Json.parseExn(j)
// Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE
var j = "{\"a\":1,\"b\":\"2\"}";
var p = JSON.parse(j);
Little baffled by Js.Json.deserializeUnsafe, seems to result in the same thing but is undocumented. Looks like it has an extra step in there for validation or something.
let j = `{"a":1,"b":"2"}`
// let p = Js.Json.parseExn(j)
let p = Js.Json.deserializeUnsafe(j)
// Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE
import * as Js_json from "rescript/lib/es6/js_json.js";
var j = "{\"a\":1,\"c\":\"2\"}";
var p = Js_json.deserializeUnsafe(j);
And Js_json.deserializeUnsafe(j) is just
function deserializeUnsafe(s) {
return patch(JSON.parse(s));
Looks like json decoders like decco/spice will take rescript object and its type and encode it to a json (string), which then can be decoded back into a rescript type with all the rescript goodness preserved, like variants, etc. Not sure how that works, does it use reflection? I have no idea if they do validation too.
But what I’m doing is just pretending the underlying data is already the correct type as an added bonus to using a binding (since bindings are very gullible about returned types), even though its really just a total fantasy, but because I have total control over the data I don’t see why not. The reason for the post was I was just surprised that rescript figured out what type I wanted without me having to tell it what I wanted, just by using the binding itself, but I guess rescript is gonna rescript.
Ok I’ll stop before I make you as clueless as me on this subject.