I am gradually rewriting an application with React to TypeScript into ReScript.
I’ve already implemented few components in ReScript, but this is the first one, where I use ReactDOM.Style.t
as property to my component.
Here is my minimized component code:
let make = (~sx: option<ReactDOM.Style.t>=?) => {
ReScript compiles fine (except a warning that sx
is not used, but we can ignore it).
I have the following bs.js
generated, which seems to be fine:
// Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE
import * as React from "react";
function InhypedIcon(Props) {
return React.createElement("div", undefined);
var make = InhypedIcon;
export {
make ,
/* react Not a pure module */
And the following corresponding .gen.tsx
file, which causes the problem:
/* TypeScript file generated from InhypedIcon.res by genType. */
/* eslint-disable import/first */
import * as React from 'react';
// @ts-ignore: Implicit any on import
import * as InhypedIconBS__Es6Import from './InhypedIcon.bs';
const InhypedIconBS: any = InhypedIconBS__Es6Import;
import type {Style_t as ReactDOM_Style_t} from '@rescript/react/src/ReactDOM.gen';
// tslint:disable-next-line:interface-over-type-literal
export type Props = { readonly sx?: ReactDOM_Style_t };
export const make: React.ComponentType<{ readonly sx?: ReactDOM_Style_t }> = InhypedIconBS.make;
This does not compile, I am getting TypeScript error:
TypeScript error in /app/src/icons/InhypedIcon.gen.tsx(11,48):
Cannot find module '@rescript/react/src/ReactDOM.gen' or its corresponding type declarations. TS2307
9 | const InhypedIconBS: any = InhypedIconBS__Es6Import;
10 |
> 11 | import type {Style_t as ReactDOM_Style_t} from '@rescript/react/src/ReactDOM.gen';
| ^
12 |
13 | // tslint:disable-next-line:interface-over-type-literal
14 | export type Props = { readonly sx?: ReactDOM_Style_t };
I do understand, that TS can not find rescript/react/src/ReactDOM.gen
, however I am not really know why.
Any ideas how this can be fixed?
My package versions:
node: v16.6.2
"typescript": "^4.1.2"
"rescript": "^9.1.4"
"@rescript/react": "^0.10.3"
Thank you.